Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Our Entire Catalog Sold to Epic Worlds, LLC

 Hey all, 

Just a final note, we sold our catalog to Epic Worlds, LLC so that if they so choose, they can continue the book series. For more information, head to their site over at smashwords. 

Epic Worlds, LLC

Monday, January 4, 2021

Time to Close Our Doors

 Some may have been wondering what happened to us or where we have gone. We had a lot moving forward with Steller Nights and were even in the process of working on a series called Sorcery Nights. Unfortunately, a lot of things happened including a tepid response, an over saturated market, and 2020.

We are not blaming anyone or anything specifically, it was just something that we did not take into consideration when planning our book series and releases. We are sad to say it but we no longer have the funding or the resources to keep moving forward with these projects and are ending the Steller Nights line.

There are two more books in the series that are almost done so they will be released but nothing past that.

I want to thank everyone who took the time and energy to support us. We do appreciate it!

Staff of Pink Lotus Press